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Wednesday 31 July 2013

Google Search Engine Optimization eBook 2013

This Google SEO book is world widely distributed by the Top Pro Bloggers and SEO analysts. Since, from the couple of days we were searching for a better on page SEO book to optimize blog on page structure and SEO friendly. This book is a little guidance about the basic SEO terminologies for on page SEO. So, if you are a beginner in blogging career and want to do a perfect on page SEO than you don't need to hire any SEO specialist. We are pretty confident that after reading this tremendous SEO book you will be able to on page SEO tips for your own blog. Before publishing this SEO eBook there were also several splendid Search Engine Optimization Books released by Google Team.

Google SEO Book 

You may already know or not that, each year Google releases SEO guides for bloggers when they make some changes in their algorithm. However,  they also published some live SEO videos along with publishing new SEO eBook. So, this eBook includes some limited SEO Tips consisting of all most one page, helpful for all beginner and newbies bloggers to optimize their newly born websites or blogs. 

Free Download Google SEO eBook

 You might know that Google provides 99.9% products free of cost. There are dozens of products beside this SEO eBook which also provided for free by Google. So, few months back they announced Google SEO eBook publicly which also completely free of cost. You can easily download it from the below given links.

Share Your Views

So , guys ! Today we shared a cool and free SEO eBook published by Google with you. We hope you will get great knowledge and advantage by reading this eBook. We have personally applied all the instruction given in this eBook to our blog.

We hope you will appreciate and love this eBook. It will prove as an advantage in optimizing your blog's on page and off page structure. So, if you think anything is missing in this book than you can as PBC's Editorial Team. Just post your queries and questions below in the comment box and you will get instant replies. Till Then Happy Blogging ..... Roger And Out !! 


Tuesday 30 July 2013

Latest Google Panda Update Rolled Out On 18 July 2013

It has been confirmed from Google, that the latest new version of 26th Panda Update has been rolled on 18th July 2013. Many popular blogs and websites have been listed down in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) which have poor contents and incoming backlinks flow from low quality blogs and directories. By taking a reciprocal of 26th Panda Update there are out thousands of blogs and websites which have increased their ranking in SERP several times, on the other hand we can also say that "Panda does not only destroy your page rank but it can also help in increasing your page rank well" however, if you have unique and high quality content and also by applying white SEO rather than Black SEO. This Panda Update has killed alot of blogs and and still its going rarely in finding all the blogs generating low quality contents, building paid and or low back-links and copycat websites/blogs.

Since from the last 10 days , we have been receiving alot of queries from our readers and we have also seen the same situation on several blogs that the readers are saying that blog traffic is going down day by day and how to recover from it and receive massive and increased traffic as usual. So, after a great series of researches and analysis about this issue PBC Editorial Team finally came to know the exact answer and today we will show you why you are unable to get traffics and losing your rank in Search Engine Results. So, our today's post will be about all the 26 Google Panda Updates.

Google Panda Update Series 

To know curiously about Google Panda Update you must know about the previous and new Google Panda Updates and do compare your blog statics and analysis with new and previous Google Panda Updates.

  1. Panda Update 1, Feb. 24, 2011
  2. Panda Update 2, April 11, 2011
  3. Panda Update 3, May 10, 2011
  4. Panda Update 4, June 16, 2011
  5. Panda Update 5, July 23, 2011
  6. Panda Update 6, Aug. 12, 2011
  7. Panda Update 7, Sept. 28, 2011
  8. Panda Update 8, Oct. 19, 2011
  9. Panda Update 9, Nov. 18, 2011
  10. Panda Update 10, Jan. 18, 2012
  11. Panda Update 11, Feb. 27, 2012
  12. Panda Update 12, March 23, 2012
  13. Panda Update 13, April 19, 2012
  14. Panda Update 14, April 27, 2012
  15. Panda Update 15, June 9, 2012
  16. Panda Update 16, June 25, 2012
  17. Panda Update 17, July 24, 2012
  18. Panda Update 18, Aug. 20, 2012
  19. Panda Update 19, Sept. 18, 2012
  20. Panda Update 20 , Sept. 27, 2012
  21. Panda Update 21, Nov. 5, 2012
  22. Panda Update 22, Nov. 21, 2012
  23. Panda Update 23, Dec. 21, 2012
  24. Panda Update 24, Jan. 22, 2013
  25. Panda Update 25, March 15, 2013
  26. Panda Update 26, July 18, 2013 (confirmed)

Compare Your Blog Statics With Google Panda Update

To know, the exact result that whether your blog is penalized by Google Panda Update, lets do this, open your Google Analytic account and compare your blog rank from July 20, 2013 to current date  , if there is continuous step by step zig zag path with dropping rank stats than chances are high that your blog may be affected by Google Panda Update. While on the other hand, if you see a dramatic change in increased rank of your blog than don't worry and take a cup of tea.
google panda update

After Panda Update (Dropping Traffic)
dropping traffic

After Panda Update (Increase In Traffic)
Increase in traffic

How To Recover From Panda Update

After checking out you blog stats in Google Analytic you must have came to know that either your blog is penalized or not. However, if you have been penalized by Google Panda Update than following are the tips for you which will help you in brining your blog out of the affect of Google Panda Update and will treat your blog again for better SERP. So, before getting more affected lets do the follow tasks for the sake of your blog

  • Start guest postings and Join Forums to build quality backlinks
  • Remove unusual and low quality backlinks flowing from non-pr blogs
  • Update your bog tremendously several times a day
  • Edit your previous posts and make them Robots Friendly
  • Remove all posts keeping high keywords stuffing
  • Avoid paid backlinks and cancel your current deals

What About Upcoming Google PR After Panda Update

As several times it happened, Google Page Rank updates after the latest Google Panda Update. Most of the Pro Bloggers and webmasters are waiting for the Google Page Rank Updates since the last five months. But,  now we can surely say that Google page rank will soon be updating its algorithm after Panda Update. So, guys ! Google PR will be coming soon, BE READY!

Wish To Get High Google Page Rank:

Tips to do before Google PR Update :
  1. Maximize your traffics
  2. Give value to high authority blogs
  3. Build backlinks from high PR blogs
  4. Boost your posts several times a day

What Your Blog Stats Say After Google Panda Update ?

After reading all the tips mentioned above, you can share your precious thoughts with us and let us know How many times your blog traffic increased or decreased ? after Google Panda Update. Also share your ideas about Google PR & Google Panda. 
Till Then Happy Blogging ..... Roger And Out !

Monday 29 July 2013

How To Write Quality & Original Content For Your Blog

As you may have heard that search engines usually Google loves to index quality and original content. But the question is ; How to write quality and original content for your blog or website ? So , today I have come up with few tips regarding this topic and I hope that you will find my tips useful. Mostly this happens to people who are not professional writers but want to become pro bloggers therefore , they cannot write good contents for their blogs and suffer for a long time. Also people , who are not good at English face a lot of difficulties writing quality and unique content. So today , we will discuss it in this post and well discover some useful ideas and tips. However , quality content may still be unknown for some reasons, but we can define some aspects of quality content on the web.

How To Write Unique & Quality Content ?  

Quality content can simply be defined as the content which attracts the visitors to read it from starting till end. You can make your content worth quality by adding values to it, adding values means, that you fully cover the topic that you are writing on, and make sure you present your content in a professional way, use short paragraphs with appropriate headings. Also try to keep the visitors entertaining to make the read the post till end.

Your post or article must have three parts :
  1. The introdution about the topic
  2. The information about the topic
  3. The Summary about the topic (At End)
The Introduction about the topic will decide about the quality of your content, so work more hard on the first part, and make that stunning.

Before writing a proper article, first make a proper search on it through internet, read top 3 to 6 articles which are already published on the same topic.

By researching on the internet and reading already published articles,you will come to know that something was messing in those articles which you read.

So , you will be able to write the same topic in your won magical words. This is not a very big deal, you can write a 500 words quality article quite easily.

Make Your Content Beautiful 

As I already mentioned that you should make your first paragraph attractive, but sorting your content in a professional is another Golden key to success. People always love to read articles which are in short paragraphs and have every point described in its respective para.

Finally, if you have written an article about anything i.e an incident, breaking news, tips and whatsoever, just make it sure, whether you have presented the story in details and will it help people or not ? and will it be useful for them or not ?. Think as imagining yourself a reader and if you like the article publish it. But if you yourself don't like the content than don't waste other's time too.

Sunday 28 July 2013

How to Keep Your Audience Coming Back for More? 4 Ways

Getting traffic to your blogs is not a rocket science. When you done few things right you can bring lots of organic traffic to your sites within less time (having targeted keywords in mind, proper SEO blog structure, internal linking etc.)

But it’s hard to sustain your blog readership for a long time, agree?

If you want to keep your audience coming back for more, here are few things to do.

How to keep your audience coming back for more

Capture email addresses by giving more

One of the best ways to bring people again and again to your blogs is by capturing their emails. Whenever you publish a new article on your blog, you can use newsletters to send them to your subscribers to keep them coming back for more.

Having a great email list will not only increase website traffic, it also improves your product sales. But you must provide value to your email subscribers often to make money from your email marketing campaign.

Here are few simple ways to build your email list faster.

  • Give away something for FREE (plugin, theme or eBook etc)
  • Always write great contents
  • Use social media sites to bring more people to subscribe
  • Use landing pages

Be active on social media

Social media has become a vital place for most bloggers to spread their ideas and brand.

Social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, Google+ etc will not only bring more online visibility for your blogs, but they will also have the tendency to make your blog go viral.

If you have more followers and fans on social media sites, you can bring drastic changes on your blogging journey. It’s very important for anyone who is blogging for a while to improve their social media interaction to boost their online presence.

If you are always posting useful stuff on your social media profiles, you will definitely be creating curiosity on your fans to read your links whenever you post something on your profiles. So always spend time on social media sites to share others stuff and to boost your online brand to keep your audience coming back for more stuff.

Create series posts

Series posts are attention pullers, most online readers visit your blogs again and again when you have right combination of series posts.

You can start writing series posts on any topic that your readers might be interested in. Few examples are, if you are running a bike advice blog, you could come up with “bike cleaning tips”, “bike maintenance service tips for busy people” etc. This way you will be able to grab the people’s attention who is interested in reading your stuff.

Moreover you can grab their email address by asking them to subscribe at the end of your each post. If they find your series posts interesting, they will certainly do whatever you ask them to do.

Pro tip: Don’t write too many posts in your series posts, limit your posts to 5 to 7 articles and you can complete them by posting everyday on your blogs, thus finishing your series within a week.

Interviews will NEVER get old.

Interviewing someone in your niche is often a great way to get more traffic and attention from other bloggers.

You can see a huge traffic spike in your stats if you interview someone who is influential in your niche. It’s not always possible for a new blogger to conduct interviews of top bloggers, but you can always try interviewing the rising blogging stars in your niche. This way you can bring more online visibility in the early stages of your blog.

If you create a separate page called “Interview section” in your blog and conduct frequent interviews (monthly twice or so), you can bring more audience to your blog again and again. You will also have a tendency to get more likes, shares, tweets and comments on your blogs if they go viral.

Always ask great questions that will provoke your readers mind and build strong relationships with other bloggers by promoting their stuff. This is a win/win approach and you can see great results in no time.

Recommended : Simple Yet Practical Tips To Write More Blog Posts In A Day

Extra tip: Have an appealing blog design, your blog should be designed to get the reader to do something. It could be anything from getting a blog comment to buying your affiliate products. Invest money to buy a premium theme or hire a professional to get a unique design for your blog, after all, first impression is the best impression in blogging.

What next? Share your valuable views with us in the Comment section below.